Swing to Snatch:

A 13 Week Kettlebell Intensive 

Learn Hardstyle Kettlebell Technique so you can be stronger, leaner, and feel more energized in your body and mind in less time than it would take going to the gym!

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Transform Your Fitness Journey with Kettlebells

Does this sound like you?

  • You're working out 3-5 times per week, but you're still pressing the same 15lb weights above your head you've been using for years. If you haven’t been able to increase the weight, you aren’t stimulating your body enough for it to get stronger or build more muscle.
  • You're eating healthy foods, but your body composition hasn’t transformed. If anything you're noticing more body fat. Just because you are eating healthy foods doesn’t mean you are eating the right macro nutrient splits to help facilitate building muscle and/or decreasing body fat.
  • You have important things to say at the office, but you can’t find the confidence to speak up for yourself. If you are too intimidate to share your words, you are going to fall to the waste side.
  • You're avoiding fun activities with your family to avoid aches and pains in your joints. Just because you have pain doesn’t mean you can't manage it or get rid of it completely, using pain as an excuse is going to prevent you from living your life.
  • You want to have hot, satisfying sex with your partner, but you lack the energy, mobility, and stamina. It’s 100% possible to train and eat in a way that leaves you with better results and more energy so you can enjoy every pleasure of life.

You are a hard worker, ready to put in the effort—you just need the right strategy!

Once you learn how to train with kettlebells, you will:

  • Lift Heavy with Ease: Lifting heavy stuff above your head will be a cakewalk!
  • See Amazing Results: You'll notice new muscles popping on your body that you didn’t even know you had. Body-fat will melt away!
  • Boost Your Confidence: Get promoted as you start sharing your ideas confidently and with conviction!
  • Enjoy Family Time: Make unforgettable family memories with all the new activities you can now participate in pain-free!
  • Revitalize Your Love Life: Rock your partner’s world with your newfound moves, energy, and stamina in the bedroom!

Why Kettlebells?

Kettlebells are not just weights; they are a tool for transformation. With my expert guidance, you'll learn the Hardstyle Kettlebell Technique, a powerful and efficient way to train your entire body. Whether you're a fitness newbie or a seasoned athlete, kettlebells and my program can take your confidence to another level!

Join Now and Transform Your Life!

Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck and unfulfilled. Take charge of your fitness journey and discover the powerful benefits of kettlebell training. Sign up for my program today and become the strong, confident, and energetic woman you are meant to be!


A little about me...

When I was 25, I found myself commuting every day to a job I didn't enjoy. I was newly married and going through a challenging time with my family. Despite working out intensely—doing HIIT, Spin, and Running 5-6 times a week—I hated my body. I couldn’t understand why I didn’t have abs given how much I was working out. I was even drinking green juices and eating avocado toast daily! A year earlier, I had undergone my fourth abdominal surgery and felt miserable in my skin. I was desperately searching for something to help me get it together.

At the time, I was managing a fitness studio that used kettlebells, and I had to learn how to use them for the sake of my job. My intention was never to train with kettlebells. Fast forward six months, my body fat dropped by 5%, and my muscle mass increased. I went from not being able to do a pull-up to doing three without spending any time on a pull-up bar. This transformation gave me a tremendous amount of confidence. I quit my job and found new opportunities that brought me joy and purpose.

Looking back, the problem wasn’t my effort—it was my strategy. Truth be told, I didn’t need to be training six times a week to gain muscle and decrease body fat. I should have been prioritizing protein and strength training aimed at skill development for building confidence, instead of chasing calorie burns and obsessing over the number on the scale.

Never have I felt so confident in my fitness, nutrition, profession, and personal life. I’ve hired coaches in fitness, nutrition, business, and mental health, and now, I want to use my experience and expertise to help you learn a better strategy. I want your efforts to yield outstanding results that leave you feeling limitless!


By the end of the 13 week course you will feel like Superhero!

You'll be stronger, leaner, have more energy, and feel empowered to overcome any challenge thrown at you! When you partner with me, you gain access to each of the following:

What are clients saying?! Click below and listen!


Behind the scenes look at Swing to Snatch: A 13 Week Kettlebell Intensive course materials!

  • By training on a progressive program using heavy enough weights over 13 weeks, you'll build strength, increase muscle, and decrease body fat.
  • Implementing the fueling strategies in the nutrition model will provide the energy needed to support your training. This approach ensures you build strength, increase muscle, and decrease body fat.
  • The exercises in the program are designed to build strength, increase mobility, and boost overall stamina.
  • Each week's exercises build upon the previous week's, stimulating both your body and brain. As you overcome challenges, you'll develop mental resilience that can be applied to real-life situations.
  • Weekly questions and journal prompts will help you reflect and connect with yourself, offering a new perspective on how limitless you truly are.

What's included in the LIVE course

Progressive Training Program

  •  4 new progressive workouts per week.
  • Exercises Library of all exercise we cover in the course
    • 80+ videos.
  • Lifetime access to the course material.

Total value at $1000.00







  • 2 Weekly live virtual group calls. 
    • Tuesdays 6:15pm EST, Technique.
    • Saturdays 11:15am EST, Team Workout.
  • 26 knowledge application quizzes.
  • Audio recordings exploring embodiment practice, visualizations, and vocal cueing for ballistic exercises.
  • Journal prompts to help you see the growth taking place.
  • Additional education support on nutrition from a Registered Dietician.

Total value at $4000.00

Intimate Community 

  • You will have access to a private community page with other women going through the program. Imagine how empowering it will feel to have a support system that you can count on as you all develop into the women you are destined to be!

Total value for this is priceless






Total cost of the course materials are valued at $5000.00

You will get that at a fraction of the cost, AND you have options to add onto the experience with the tiered options below!


$2000.00 13 Weeks

What's Included

  • Access to everything listed above.
  • Form feedback on live calls.









$2900.00 13 Weeks

What's Included

  • Everything listed in Bronze.
  • First priority feedback on Technique calls.
  • Written form feedback on 10 videos per week.
    • Form feedback on video is valued at $10 per video. If you submitted 10 videos per week for 13 weeks that would be valued at $1300.00.


$5-10k 13 Weeks

What's Included

  • Everything listed in Silver.
  • Weekly Private Training with Colleen and/or Biomechanics Specialist depending on what is needed. Price varies on training 1-4x per week.
    • 1 Private session is valued at $175.
    • Spots open based on Coaches availability. 

The NEXT live round begins in Fall of 2024!

Can't wait to start?! Opt to take the DIY version! 

What's included?

All course materials above minus the live calls and the community. Total value of $2400.

 You will get the DIY version for $999.00. 

Option to add on private sessions for $175 and/or submit videos for form feedback, $10 per video.

Purchase the DIY version NOW!