The NEXT Round Starts April 13th 2024

This will be our Endurance Round of 2024! We will focus on a endurance work for ballistics and hypertrophy around grinds. We will be putting all our 13 weeks of training to the test with the Simple + Sinister Challenge as the initial and final assessment.

What is Black + Gold?

Black + Gold is a progressive strength training group program with a heavy emphasis on Hardstyle kettlebell technique. The goal of this program is to help you increase your strength and mastery of kettlebells to a whole new level with a community and coach by your side! Every quarter there will be a new focus and final challenge to make sure you are seeing the fruits of your labors pay off!

What is included?

  •  Quarterly Progressive Strength Training Program.
    • You can train anywhere between 2-4x per week in addition to joining optional live calls. Workouts are 60 minutes including your movement prep.
    • Spreadsheets and exercise tutorials. All hosted via Kajabi.
  •  Optional live calls via ZOOM
    • Team Workout Saturdays 7am PST/ 10am EST. (1 hour). These happen weekly.
    • Tuesday Technique where you can get live feedback on the skills that might need a little extra attention Tuesdays 2pm PST/ 5pm EST. (1 hour). These happen the first two Tuesdays of the new training cycle.
  •  Community! To go fast you go alone, to go far go together! This space will help you and your teammates stay engage in the weeks workouts leading up to our big final challenge!
  •  Optional add on, private session with Colleen
    • $175 per hour. You may book these however frequently you need one if you would like extra eyes on you!
    • $100 per half hour. You may book these however frequently you need one if you would like extra eyes on you!
    • $50 per 15min. You may book these however frequently you need one if you would like extra eyes on you!
    • Video feedback. You may send Colleen videos for written feedback. Each video you send is $5.

 (All live call will be recorded and posted in the host page in case you cannot make the live sessions)

How does payment work?

Registration is $500 for the 13 weeks paid a week before we begin. To join for April 13th, registration will close on April 6th.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sure! Payment is still due before the start date. You can follow the program at whatever timeline you'd like. 

The more you have access to the better! 

2 testing size bells. 2 bells .5 below testing, 2 bells above testing, 2 bells 2 sizes above testing. 

Example: If you are a 12kg testing size. 2 12kgs, 2 10kg, 2 16kg, 2 20kg.

Example: If you are a 14kg testing size. 2 14kgs, 2 12kg, 2 18kg, 2 22kg.

Example: If you are a 16kg testing size bell. 2 16kgs, 2 14kg, 2 20kg, 2 24kg.

You can always modify such as stacking bells or working offset. You will be the one to select your weights based on the programming.

All live calls will be posted as recordings within 24 hours of being recorded.

Pick back up wherever you left off! You are never behind, you are exactly where you need to be. Yes each round has a final challenge we are building to. It’s not about crushing the challenge, it’s about testing yourself and seeing how far you’ve come each quarter— keeping a number of variables in mind such as being sick, being away, or being on your A game! The more you start to pick up on why you might be soaring or might feel like your slowing down will be what helps allow you to maintain your fierce and give yourself grace. 

No. All sales are final.

Each cycle we have a new focus in regards to strength training. It might be strength + power, strength + stability, strength + skill etc. We will spend the first 12 weeks focused on training 2-4x per week. At the end of week 13 we will go after our challenge as a team! If you cannot make the live call you can send a video to share your victory with the team!

The program each quarter will contain max of 48 progressive workouts. If you are aiming for 2 workouts a week, you'll get though a little over half the workouts. If you are aiming for 4 per week, the last week in build up to the challenge will be a deload week.

This was originally created for graduates of Swing to Snatch: A 13 Week Kettlebell Intensive. You should be familiar with the following skills: swing, clean, squat, strict press, Turkish Get Up, and snatch. In Swing to Snatch the athletes are working with 1 testing size bell plus a weight 8kg heavier. If you are familiar and confident with those skills, this is for you!

That’s why we have a technique call and why you might want to ask for feedback or get in for some private time with Colleen! Nothing needs to be perfect for you to come into this training, but I would not advise joining if you have not taken the time to learn the above skills.

If you are at all on the fence between Black + Gold and Swing to Snatch: A 13 Week Kettlebell Intensive, you probably need Swing to Snatch first.

This is not an intro to beginners. Nothing is being taught. It’s for anyone who has learned the Hardstyle skills and now is looking to train them. You might be a new graduate of Swing to Snatch, you might have been training with kettlebells for the past 10 years. This program will work for both of you. The big thing to consider will be bell sizes for your given skills.

You can. I will give options to use dumbbells and barbell as well. For exercises such as deadlifts if you have access to more weight via a different modality and are at a point where you need to use something heavier, I will encourage you do that.

You will have access to my exercise library that breaks down all of the skills you might see on the program. If that is not enough, you can always ask a question in the Facebook group or ask to review it on the Tuesday night technique call!


50% Complete

Two Step

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